Our Services

Investigations & Due Diligence

With significant investigative background and experience, our leadership team and team members are adept at conducting and managing complex and sensitive investigations as well as establishing focused investigative programs and proactive threat analysis responsive to the needs of our clients.

Our in-house analytic cadre and suite of investigators located around the globe offer unparalleled expertise in conducting complex research and investigations.


  • Background investigations
  • Violations Anti-Corruption Laws (e.g., FCPA, UK Anti-Bribery Act)
  • KYC and Anti-Money Laundering Diligence
  • Internal and External Fraud and Corruption
  • Breaches of Internal Policies
  • Counter parties and Third parties
  • Complex sanctions related investigations

Investigative Programs
& Threat Analysis

  • Financial Fraud
  • Cyber-Based Criminal Activity
  • Corruption and Criminal Mismanagement
  • Internal and External Theft
  • Systemic and/or Historical Criminal Activity
  • Extortion and Reputation Management Special Victims
  • Vendors, Brokers, and Agents Seeking Government Contact and Contracts

Criminal & Civil
Litigation Support

  • Asset Tracing and Ownership Identification
  • Forensic Investigation and Analysis
  • Witness Interview and Preparation
  • “Red Team” Exercises
  • Expert Testimony
  • Law Enforcement and Regulatory Body Liaison